In-Person Considerations
Our Space : COVID
Historically we’ve required vaccinations and testing to come back for in-person sessions. Now, we disinfect common spaces daily and have masks available.
If someone is covid positive and was onsite within the window of contagion, let the Executive Director know. We ask clients to do a health and safety form on TherapyNotes.
Our Space : Office Cleaning
Twice a week an outside company comes to vacuum/clean whole office; therapist are responsible for making sure office is tidy when they leave; and that garbage isn’t left in the room (take food garbage to the staff room)
There are disinfecting supplies in each therapy room as well as common rooms (conf room, staff room and near the front desk). We also have a plug in air purifier in each room.
Our Space : Absence / Not In
Please communicate absences or changes to schedule with Business Administrator, Joanne DeLuca
Our Suite
Security: there is a doorman from 8a-8p Mon-Fri; 9a-5p Saturday. If you need access to the building outside those hours please speak to Business Administrator (Joanne Deluca).
–Intercom System: If someone rings the bell, pick-up the phone and ask who it is. If you feel safe / if you are expecting the person, buzz them in by pressing “ * * ” and hang-up.
— If you’re threatened or someone is here unauthorized dial 911.
Building (171 Madison)
Building Fire Drills
In the event of a fire, or call for evacuation, do not use the elevators. Use either of the two staircases. The first staircase is by the elevators (leads to the lobby), the second staircase back by the freight elevator (leads to 33rd st). If you are unable to take the stairs, or you have a client who is unable to take the stairs, go to the stairwell and wait for Fire Personnel. Call 911 and notify emergency services that there is a person in need of assistance in the stairwell on the 4th floor. You can use the fire phone in the hallway by the staircase entrance.
Before opening the door to the stairs, be sure to feel up high on the door for heat. If the door is hot to the touch, use the other stairwell. In the hallway there is a Fire Warden phone and a fire alarm which can be pulled in the event of a fire emergency. This will activate the alarm, intercom, and flashing lights. If you have any questions about this, please reference the posted guidelines on the back door in the break room. Also, please note we have a fire extinguisher available in the back break area.
Client emergencies: SI/HI
Hospital and Crisis referral doc
Fires: Evacuation Procedures
Proceed as directed by building security but access to stairwells will always be open / available. Find Step by step procedure HERE.
The Four Aces of High Rise Building Fire Safety: HERE
171 Madison Avenue has implemented a Building Emergency Notification System. This system will allow the building team to send notifications quickly and reliably in the event of an emergency impacting the building, the surrounding area or the city. To get on this list, please provide your cell number to the Business Administrator Joanne DeLuca (
Unauthorized Entrance
Call 9-1-1 immediately.
Communication Tree
Executive Clinical Director, Sarah Strole ( and Business Administrator, Joanne DeLuca (
Natural Disasters
Please coordinate with Executive Clinical Director Sarah Strole ( and Business Administrator Joanne DeLuca(
Room Reservations
Rentals are separate. To see our space in rentals please visit:
Anyone looking to book/reserve a room, please contact Droste Business Administrator Joanne DeLuca ( Please note it is important to leave the room in the condition you found it. Please take care to remove food trash, turn off sound machines, and leave the door open. Thank you! A room schedule is posted in the back staff room by the mail boxes on the bulletin board.
Location: 171 Madison Ave Suite 400 (4th floor)
The front door is to the right when you get off the elevator. Ring the doorbell and see if someone can let you in. If that doesn't work, just go through the back (go to the left when you get off the elevator) and walk past the bathrooms through the door to the back stairwell area and you'll see our backdoor that has a code pad above the doorknob. Use the code: 4 3 5 and the door will open to our back kitchen/dining area. *This code is for internal use only.
Office Room 1 is the last room next to the conference room if entering from the back (the first room to the left if entering from the front).
Each office is equipped with a plug in air filter and a fan if you need.
If you are the first person in the space, please:
Unlock the deadbolt on the front door
Turn on the lamps in the waiting room including the salt lamp
Turn on the music in the waiting room (white remote on the table in the corner
Turn on the fan in the waiting room (if applicable)
Turn on the Air Filter in the hallway (white remote on top of the air filter)
Turn on the lights in the hallway (switch is at reception desk), front reception area (switch is at reception desk), and back staff room (switch is in the back staff room).
You will know you are the last person in the space if all therapy room doors are open with lights off. If a therapy room door is closed, it means someone is still utilizing that room with a client.
If there is a door to an office closed, you are not the last person and can just leave after making sure the light/sound machine is off in the office you were using and the door to the office is left open.
If you are the last person in the space, please:
Ensure all lights and noise machines are off in each room
Ensure the hallway and reception area lights are off
Turn off the lamps in the waiting room including the salt lamp
Turn off the music in the waiting room using the remote control
Turn off the fan in the waiting room (if applicable)
Turn off the Air Filter in the hallway using the remote control
Ensure coffee maker and tea kettle are unplugged in the staff room
Turn off the lights in the staff room – Please make sure the door is closed as you exit the room.
Please make sure you lock the deadbolt on the front door as well.
Last Person Out doc HERE
Droste Holidays
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Presidents Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veteran’s Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day After Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
Building Holidays
New Year’s Day
President’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day