Resource Center for Therapists

  • Information on Different Modalities

    The available resources and insights will empower clients to identify the most suitable approach for their needs. This page encompasses comprehensive information on esteemed methodologies such as psychodynamic therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Humanistic Therapy Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), among others.

  • Handouts

    Based on subject area, audience and modality.

  • Mandated Reporting

    This page includes information about the current Code of Ethics as well as actions that must be taken through reports. The page provides guidelines on how to approach problems, ethical principles and standards upheld by the psychiatric community and Droste.

  • Trainings


    Learn more about external continuing education opportunities as well as internal in-person trainings.

  • Warning Signs

    Warning Signs of Safety Concerns

    This page will offer resources for navigating challenging situations, including identifying warning signs of abuse and addressing other related concerns.

  • Treatment Planning

    This page provides information on safety planning and higher levels of care for your clients. It will assist you in determining whether your patient requires hospitalization or advanced care. Additionally, it includes a guide for creating a safety plan for your client.

  • Difficult Situations

    This page offers guidance on handling challenging situations such as termination, gift giving and receiving, and addressing complaints.

  • Referrals

    On this page you will find the essential components that are included in referrals.