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Supervisors at Droste will agree to:
Supervising interns with expertise and educational and/or professional background in the field of the experience.
Ensure student is fully oriented to the agency, staff, policies and procedures.
Provide resources to support learning objectives/goals.
Ensure intern work schedule allows for attendance of classes and adheres to academic holidays unless otherwise agreed.
Assist the student in attainment of goals and objectives on the “Education Plan” which will contain clearly defined objectives/goals related to the professional goals of the student's academic coursework and of utility to the employer. This is co-developed by the site supervisor and student.
Provide necessary training, one hour of weekly supervision, one hour in group supervision and routine feedback on performance and expectations.
Monitor and approve hours worked toward the required number of hours for the internship.
Provide written evaluation of student a minimum of two times: mid and end of semester.